Here you will find a list of all the current supported actions & parameters in this program as well as planned ones. Actions is what the software reacts to. The program searches for a specific file on your computer, if that file contains one of the supported actions it will then execute that action. Some actions have parameters, something that the action (may) need to be executed.

Supported actions


  • Version: v0.0.1
  • Description: Shuts down the computer
  • Parameters: optional
    • All accepted shutdown parameters: list
    • Use parameter abort to abort a scheduled shutdown
    • Default: /s /t 0
    • Description: Parameters are added after the /s parameter: /s %parameters%. If /t is not a part of the parameter /t 0 will be appended after the ACC-parameter: /s %parameter% /t 0


  • Version: v0.0.1
  • Description: Restarts the computer
  • Parameters: optional
    • All accepted shutdown parameters: list
    • Default: /r /t 0
    • Description: Parameters are added after the /r parameter: /r %parameters%. If /t is not a part of the parameter /t 0 will be appended after the ACC-parameter: /r %parameter% /t 0


  • Version: v0.3.0
  • Description: Open file or folder located in Documents/AssistantComputerControl/shortcuts/ if no full path is set. If the parameter is a full path, the file/folder at the full location will be opened.
  • Parameters:
    • File path (required)
      • Type: Full path or name of file
      • Description: Full path to the file or folder you wish to open. This can also simply be the name and extension of the file, if the file is located in the shortcuts ACC folder, which is located at Documents/AssistantComputerControl/shortcuts. Use backslash (\) instead of normal slash (/) for full paths. (please note that if you wish to open shortcuts, the extension is .lnk, L, not i)
      • Example: open:C:\Users\myuser\Documents\Music\my_music.mp3 or if the file is located in the shortcuts folder; open:my_music.mp3
    • Secondary: Argument (optional)
      • Type: Text
      • Description: If you wish to pass arguments / parameters to the file you're opening, it's defined here.
      • Example: open:C:\Documents\my_batch_file.bat{this will be passed as an argument}


  • Version: v1.1.0
  • Description: Opens all files and folders at a specific path
  • Parameter: Path (required)
    • Example: open_all:C:\Users\my_user\Documents\my_awesome_folder
    • Description: Folder where all files & folders should be opened. Should be a full path
    • Type: full path


  • Version: v0.1.0
  • Description: Puts the computer in sleep mode
  • Parameters: optional:
    • %bool%
      • Description: Whether to force sleep-mode or not. True = force sleep
      • Default: true
      • Type: boolean (true/false)


  • Version: v1.0.3
  • Description: Puts the computer in hibernate state
  • Parameters: optional:
    • %bool%
      • Description: Whether to force hibernate-mode or not. True = force hibernation
      • Default: true
      • Type: boolean (true/false)


  • Version: v0.1.0
  • Description: Logs out of the current user
  • Parameters: none


  • Version: v0.1.0
  • Description: Locks the current user (password, if set, will be required again)
  • Parameters: none


  • Version: v0.1.0
  • Description: Mutes or unmutes current playback device
  • Parameters: optional:
    • %bool%
      • Description: Whether to "mute" or "unmute". If no parameter is set the action is a toggle (if muted it unmutes, if unmuted it mutes)
      • Type: boolean (true/false)


  • Version: v0.1.0
  • Description: Sets the volume of the current playback device to x percent
  • Parameters: Required
    • %number%
      • Description: the number-percent the volume of the current playback device will be set to
      • Type: number
      • Range: 0-100
  • Notice: When using IFTTT the parameter (number) has to be the last item in the phrase. So "... set pc volume to 40 percent" will most likely not work, but "... set pc volume to 40" always will *

* More in-depth explanation: IFTTT will sometimes treat a number-parameter like a word if it isn't the last word in the pickup-phrase. So the if anything comes after the number, like "percent", IFTTT might pick it up as "five" instead of "5". In version v1.4.0 a converter has been implemented, where it will translate "five" to "5" - this is only for English-written numbers though


  • Version: v0.1.0
  • Parameters: Required:
    • next

      • Description: Plays the next song in queue
    • play_pause

      • Description: Toggles between play/pause
    • previous

      • Description: Plays the previous song
      • Notice: In most cases, this will just go to the start of the current song (replay it). For applications where this is the case, use the action below: previousx2
    • previousx2

      • Description: Does the previous action twice. Useful for applications like Spotify that require a "previous" command twice to not just go back to the start of the song


  • Version: v0.3.0
  • Description: Closes ACC
  • Parameters: none


  • Version: v1.1.0
  • Description: Turns all monitors connected your computer black (doesn't actually turn them off). Press any key on the PC to turn them on again. Note: In some cases, the PC will be locked after the monitors have been turned off
  • Parameters: none


  • Version: v1.1.0
  • Description: Creates a message box with a custom message and title
  • Parameters:
    • This action supports two parameters. One for the message, and another for the title.
    • Example: message_box:this is the content!{And this is the title}
    • Primary: message required
      • Description: the message to be displayed in the message box
      • Type: text
    • Secondary: title optional
      • Description: the title/name of the message box
      • Type: text


  • Version: v1.1.0
  • Description: Creates a file at the desired location with any path, name and extension
  • Parameter: Path required
    • Type: Full path with extension
    • Description: Full path to where you wish the file to be created with the file-name and extension. Cannot create folders. Cannot create file in locations that require administrative access unless you have opened ACC with admin rights.
    • Example: create_file:C:\Documents\new_file.txt


  • Version: v1.1.0
  • Description: Deletes file or folder at a specific path
  • Parameter: Path required
    • Type: Full path. If file; with extension
    • Description: Full path to the file or folder you wish to delete. Cannot delete files or folders in locations that require administrative access unless you have opened ACC with admin rights.
    • Example: delete_file:C:\Documents\new_file.txt & delete_file:C:\Documents\my_folder


  • Version: v1.1.0
  • Description: Writes text to a file
  • Parameters:
    • Primary: path
      • Type: Full path to file
      • Description: Full path to the file you wish to append text to.
    • Secondary:
      • Type: Text
      • Description: The text you want to write to the file. Use \n for a linebreak.
    • Example: append_text:C:\Documents\new_file.txt{This will be written in the file\nThis is a new line\nAnd another newline}


  • Version: v1.1.0
  • Description: Speech to text. Writes out what you say to your assistant in the active text field
  • Parameter: Text to write
    • Type: Text
    • Description: The text that shoud be inserted to the text/input field. Assistant-wise it only works with Google Assistant, as Amazon Alexa still doesn't allow parameters in their IFTTT applets.
    • Example: (for Google Assistant on IFTTT) write_out:{{TextField}} where the {{TextField}} is everything said as the variable, e.g.; Hey Google, PC write out {{TextField}}


  • Version: v1.4.0
  • Description: Allows for keypress simulation of special keys (CTRL, SHIFT etc.)
  • Parameter: Key(s) to simulate
    • Type: Text
    • Accepted keys: BACKSPACE, BREAK, CAPS_LOCK, DEL, DELETE, DOWN_ARROW, END, ENTER, ESC, HELP, HOME, INS, INSERT, LEFT_ARROW, NUM_LOCK, PAGE_DOWN, PAGE_UP, PRINT_SCREEN, RIGHT_ARROW, SCROLL_LOCK, TAB, UP_ARROW, F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F6, F7, F8, F9, F10, F11, F12, F13, F14, F15, F16, Keypad_add, Keypad_subtract, Keypad_multiply, Keypad_divide, SHIFT, CTRL, ALT
    • Description: The key name(s), joined by +
    • Example: key_shortcut:CTRL+SHIFT+ESC or key_shortcut:ENTER


  • Version: v1.4.0
  • Description: End a process by it's name or ID
  • Parameter: Process name or ID (pid)
    • Type: Text or number
    • Example: kill_process:123 or kill_process:Notepad


  • Version: v1.4.0
  • Description: Maximizes all open application-windows on your computer
  • Parameters: none


  • Version: v1.4.0
  • Description: Minimizes all open application-windows on your computer
  • Parameters: none


  • Version: v1.4.0
  • Description: Moves a folder or file to a new location. Can also be used to rename files & folders.
  • Parameters:
    • Primary: Origin path
      • Type: Full path to file or folder
      • Description: Full path to the file or folder you wish to move or rename.
    • Secondary: New path
      • Type: Full path to file or folder
      • Description: New full path, where the file / folder from parameter #1 should be placed.
  • Examples:
    • Moving a folder or file: move:C:/myfolder{C:/existing_folder} - move:C:/myfolder/testfile.txt{C:/newfolder_location}
    • Renaming a folder or file: move:C:/myfolder{C:/new_folder} - move:C:/myfolder/testfile.txt{C:/myfolder/new_named_file.txt}


  • Version: v1.4.2
  • Description: Not as much an action in itself, but can be used to delay the execution of an action. If you fx have an applet with three lines; mouse_click then wait 2000 and then mouse_click there's two seconds between the first click, and the second.
  • Parameters:
    • Type: milliseconds; full number (integer)
    • Example: wait:2000 waits 2000 milliseconds = 2 seconds


  • Version: v1.4.2
  • Description: Move the mouse to a specific place
  • Parameters:
    • Type: x, y coordinates, split by ,
    • Example: move_mouse:500,600


  • Version: v1.4.2
  • Description: Acts as if you clicked your mouse with either left, right or middle mouse click.
  • Parameters:
    • Primary: type of click
      • Type: Text; either left, right or middle
      • Default: left
      • Description: The mouse button you want clicked.
    • Secondary: Times to click
      • Type: Number
      • Description: Amount of times to do the click

Total: 31 actions